Thursday, January 27, 2011

Running for life...

Have you ever had a run where  from the moment you place one foot infront of the other, you knew its going to be a good run? You could feel the runner's high before you even reach mile one. You can run long distances and keep up a good pace doing it.

On the flip side...

Have you every had a run where you felt bogged down, with sore/heavy legs? Or did you have a super busy day and are just too tired to really enjoy your run? Maybe your knees start hurting half way through and you have to walk getting in half the mileage than you planned.

Thankfully, I had the first type of run the other day. It is so refreshing! It keeps you motivated and your day suddenly turns in to a great one. But more times than not, we have the regular, mundane days. Where running feels more like a chore than a enjoyable task.

So my advice for the week: embrace the average runs because those are the ones that make the extraordinary runs even better. Run for life, the good days and bad days.

Have a great weekend! Happy Friday.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Here Goes Nothin'

Part of living life to the fullest is about finding a balance. For me, I am constantly juggling life. I am trying to keep afloat with my job as a nurse, eating more healthily, exercising/running, finding meaningful time with God, and quality time with my husband.

The purpose of this blog isn't to say "I've got it all figured out! Do this... not that!" Rather, its to help me and hopefully others along the journey of finding this balance and identifying what worked for me and what did not. It will undoubtedly be a tale of failures and successes, goals missed and goals achieved. But through it all I hope to come away with a better understanding of myself, my GOD, and my love of running.